Virtual Exchanges in Higher Education and Youth
Virtual exchanges are online people-to-people (in the 13-30 age range) activities that promote intercultural dialogue and soft skills development. They make it possible for every young person to access high-quality international and cross-cultural education (both formal and nonformal) without physical mobility.
Virtual exchanges take place in small groups and are always moderated by a trained facilitator. They should be easily integrated into youth (non-formal education) projects or higher education courses.
Projects will be funded based on work plans that may integrate a wide range of online cooperation activities, including for example:
- Online-facilitated discussions between young people of youth organisations based in different countries, as part of youth projects. They could include role playing simulations;
- Training for youth workers willing to develop a virtual exchange project with colleagues from other countries;
- Online facilitated discussions between students of Higher Education institutions based in different countries, as part of higher education degrees;
- Training for university professors/staff willing to develop a virtual exchange project with colleagues from other countries;
- Interactive open online courses including traditional course materials such as filmed lectures, readings, and problem sets.
Who can participate:
Public or private organisations active in the field of higher education or youth (higher education institutions, associations or organisations of higher education institutions, teacher or student organisations, youth organisations) in Programme Countries or the relevant Partner Countries.
Any public or private participating organization (higher education or youth field) established in a Programme Country can apply. This organization applies on behalf of all participating organizations involved in the project.
Projects should normally last 36 months (extensions are possible, if duly justified and through an amendment).
Project budget (maximum grant amount): EUR 500.000 per project. The grant awarded may be lower than the amount requested.
Find out more
The Erasmus+ Programme Guide is the main source of information on activities in the field of youth. It contains all information about the eligibility, priorities, award criteria, funding rules and more.