Capacity Building Projects (ex-Tempus)

Capacity Building Projects continue activities of a Tempus programme, focusing on reforms, institutional collaboration and exchange of practices / experience among peers.

Higher education institutions can take part in collaborative capacity-building projects set up and managed by a consortium of higher education institutions from the Erasmus+ programme countries on the one hand and those from a particular region of the world on the other (the EU's neighbouring countries, Russia, EU candidate and potential candidate countries, Latin America, Asia, Africa-Caribbean-Pacific countries). These projects can be:

Joint projects:

these help higher education institutions from partner countries to develop, modernise and disseminate new curricula, teaching methods or materials, as well as to boost quality assurance and governance of higher education institutions.

Structural projects:

to develop and reform higher education institutions and systems in partner countries; to enhance their quality and relevance, promote regional cooperation and increase convergence.

In certain partner countries neighbouring the EU, capacity-building projects will also be able to include a mobility strand targeted at students and staff from the institutions involved in the project.

Institutions from the regions mentioned above can submit a proposal for a capacity-building project under an Erasmus+ Call for Proposals. 

List of CBHE projects 

There are three Strands of CBHE projects

  • Strand 1 - Fostering access to cooperation in Higher Education - Projects for Beginners and Less Experienced Higher Education Institutions. Duration of projects 2-3 years, budget 200 000 - 400 000 Euro.
  • Strand 2 - Partnerships for transformation - “Traditional” Institutional Partnership Projects with an Emphasis on Cooperation with Employers and the Business Sector in General. Duration of projects 2-3 years, budget 400 000 - 800 000 Euro.

  • Strand 3 - Structural reform projects aimed at promoting higher education reforms at the national level. The Ministry of Education and Science is required to participate in projects. Other government agencies may be involved as needed. Duration of projects 3-4 years, budget 800 000 - 1 000 000 Euro.

Video (in Georgian language)


For further information please visit the link:

or Download the Programme Guide  

2017 CBHE Project Management Tools and Documents 

2018 CBHE Project Management Tools and Documents 

2019 CBHE Project Management Tools and Documents 

2020 CBHE Project Management Tools and Documents 

2020 CBHE Project Project Management Resources 

Erasmus +

Executive Agency

National Agencies 

National Officies 

Participant Portal (PIC)

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