The National Teams of Higher Education Reform Experts
For the period 2022-2027, the NEO (National Erasmus+ Office in Georgia) is looking for members of a new Higher Education Reform Experts (HERE).
Independent experts or NGO representatives working in the relevant fields are highly encouraged to submit the applications.
The mission of the National Teams of Higher Education Reform Experts is to provide a pool of expertise in order to promote reforms and enhance progress in higher education (HE) in the countries concerned and therefore participate in the development of policies and reforms in Higher Education in their respective country. The mission of the HERE is threefold:
- Support policy development in their respective countries by supporting modernization reform processes and strategies in Higher Education, in close contact with the local authorities concerned and in particular as regards for instance curriculum development, modernization of governance, management and functioning of higher education systems and institutions, strengthening relations between the higher education sector and the wider societal and economic environment, etc.
- Support policy dialogue with the EU in the field of higher education possibly in synergy and coordination with the various policy platforms established under the Erasmus+ programme or other potential initiatives established by, and under the guidance of, the European Commission.
- Support Erasmus+ and EU funded projects by disseminating their results and outcomes, notably best practices and innovative initiatives and exploiting them for modernization and development purposes.
HERE activities at international level
Activities at international level will be organized by an external service provider,
under the supervision of the European Commission and the EACEA, and will
correspond to the following types:
- Thematic seminars designed to meet specific needs common in various Third countries not associated to the Erasmus+ programme. The aim of the thematic seminars is to provide new knowledge and practical experience. They may include field visits at higher education institutions or other relevant stakeholders. They will also provide a platform for questions, discussion and exchange of practices on specific topics and processes.
- Study visits that will take place in prominent universities of EU Member States and third countries associated or non-associated with the Erasmus+ programme, focusing on specific topics and fields of interest, common to various Third countries. Such visits will provide an opportunity to meet with academic and non- academic staff directly responsible for the introduction and the implementation of specific reforms or policies in the field of Higher Education. The visits will include meetings with several types of stakeholders as well as presentations, question & answer sessions and debates.
- International large-scale conferences including keynote speeches by prominent experts and specific workshops dedicated to the attention of the HERE teams of all Third countries not associated to the Erasmus+ programme. Such conferences will deal with themes and topics connected to the core issues of the modernization of the higher education sector in fields such as governance, management, funding, curriculum development and lifelong learning.
- Technical assistance missions: Specific technical expertise and advice by EU or Third country experts will be provided locally to HERE teams to carry out training and consultancy activities in the Third countries not associated to the Erasmus+ programme, targeted at a wide audience of university staff, officials and other higher education stakeholders. The service provider will identify relevant experts, who can be entrusted with such short-term missions. These technical assistance activities will be organized upon specific request from the HERE teams, channeled by the NEOs, at national or regional level.
- Surveys and publications: HERE may be involved in the preparation of surveys or publications commissioned by the European Commission or EACEA in relation to the higher education sector, its institutions, policies, reforms and modernization process.
- Virtual expert community and material: HERE will be provided with a web platform to communicate, liaise and exchange. This includes the provision of information materials, brochures and case studies.
HERE activities at national level
In addition to the international activities referred to above, HERE teams will have to
perform counseling and advisory activities at national level and more concretely:
- At institutional level, HEREs' work will consist in counseling, advising and providing assistance to higher education institutions with regards to the introduction and implementation of reforms.
- HERE should be actively involved in all kinds of promotional and awareness-raising activities about higher education reforms in general and EU higher education programmes and initiatives in particular. Experts with specialist knowledge and experience may be recruited for the development and delivery of training activities for HERE in those areas.
- At national level, HERE will support national authorities in designing, implementing and monitoring policy reforms in the field of higher education. Overall, this could include the following types of activities:
- Advice and expertise;
- Involvement in policy making process, preparation of national reports, codes, draft laws & decrees;
- Organizing or participating in seminars, workshops, roundtables (teaching, training, informing, disseminating);
- Lecturing, participation in panel discussions and debates;
- Interviews (radio, TV, newspaper, specialized press), public appearances;
- Drafting of reports, analysis, studies;
- Publication of papers on the higher education reform processes in the Third country.
Cooperation at national level
At national level, HEREs act as members of a team, supported by the National Erasmus+ Office and following the strategic goals set by the National Authorities.
The nominated HEREs commit themselves to regularly attend the meetings of their team and to be available for missions at national level (e.g. presentations, meetings, lectures). They shall follow closely the higher education reform developments in their country and take actively part in the planning of the HERE activities.
Participation in international events
Regular international training activities (conferences, seminars, study visits) will be organized for
HEREs by a service provider selected by the EACEA.
HEREs selected to take part in an event commit themselves to make the most of this training
opportunity. They will carry out any necessary preparatory and follow-up work, accept to act as
speakers if requested, participate in the debates and contribute to dissemination activities in their home country.
Financial aspects
When being nominated for the task, HEREs shall be aware that they are not remunerated for their activities. However, their travel costs and costs of stay linked to national or international activities will be covered by the NEO.
Members of the national HERE team should hold (or have held) one of the following positions (or a combination thereof):
- (Vice-)Rectors
- Deans and Heads of Department
- Senior Academics
- Directors of Study
- Responsible of administrative services (such as International Relations Offices,
- Quality Assurance departments, Career orientation services, etc.)
- Ministry officials dealing with higher education
- Other Higher Education experts and researchers
Deadline for submission of application: 20/11/2023 (18:00 PM Tbilisi, Georgia time)
Application forms: CV and a motivation letter in English (describing why are you the suitable candidate for this position);
Submission: PDF version of the application documents should be submitted at the following email address:
In the subject line, please, mention - The National Teams of Higher Education Reform Experts